Principal Message

The Education not only preserves the identity of any Nation but it warrants the sustained survival and well- being of its masses also. The pursuit of a quality and objective based education has always remained a concerned priority of the parents during all times. The education today is regarded as a bipolar process involving interplay of educator and the student. The educator tries to locate the hidden talents of his taught and transforms them along the definite lines that help him modify his behavior so it is a process of continuous reconstruction of experiences.

The Forces School and College System is a platform that by its innovative designs and pattern of education will mark a holistic approach in learning and child centric development of the students. The environment, the skill level of faculty and above all the system of training geared up by the Forces School and College System will surely solemnize the wholesome grooming of students which is greatly needed.

I bow my head before Allah Almighty and beseech His special guidance and blessing to achieve the high targets as envisaged by the institution and also hope that the unique perspectives of education designed by the system would surely nurture a special mould infused with knowledge, religious   orientation and esteemed nationalism.

May Allah bless us with all success- Ameen